Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 cm and Almost 100% Effaced

Here are some pics of Brady's b-day dinner last night. I wish I had taken more, but oh well.

Well, I had a midwife appointment yesterday. Apparently, I'm 3 cm dilated and almost completely effaced. My midwife stripped my membranes a little and basically said that if I was ready to go into labor it would help it along, if not, then it won't do anything. LOL! Well, so far... nothing!

But on a more positive note... I'm going swimming at the Wion's (which is fabulous because the girls will help with Bella... all I have to do is float). After that Brady is coming home and taking me to see Harry Potter. Yay! I might not see the whole thing because of preggie potty breaks but at least I'll see most of it. Once Juliette comes there will be no movies for a long time! Anyway, looks like it's going to be a great day!

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